Online private tutoring

Get the tutoring help you need, from the comfort of your own home

Are you a teacher looking for tuition support for your school? If so please click here.

Online private tutoring experts for home learning

We have a proven track record of helping students to catch up, keep up and get ahead. If your child is struggling to reach their potential, then online private tutoring with TLC LIVE Online Tutoring is the answer. Our qualified, UK based teacher not only help inspire and motivate children to learn but will help:

  • Boost confidence and self esteem
  • Monitor and track progress
  • Improve school grades
  • Improve exam results (GCSEs, SATs or Common Entrance)
Click to book your first free session!

Key benefits

Fully qualified tutors

TLC LIVE’s teachers each have at least two years of experience. They are proven subject experts, and all have a DBS certificate.

Targeted learning content

Students complete a comprehensive initial assessment to help design a learning plan around their specific needs.

All exam boards covered

All our tutors have up-to-date knowledge of the OCR, AQA, and Edexcel exam boards.

15 years of proven results

Teachers draw from tens of thousands of hours of tailored educational content to deliver engaging sessions.

Approved NTP tuition partner

The National Tutoring Programme (NTP) provides high-quality tuition to disadvantaged students. We are a government approved partner and have delivered thousands of hours of tutoring under the scheme.

Tuition at all levels

TLC LIVE’s tutors assist students with varying abilities at all levels – from KS1 up to GCSE.

What parents say

Parents rate TLC’s private tuition 4.46 out of 5 stars

“TLC has changed our lives. Both mine and my son’s. He loves his sessions and his test results have already gone up a whole level.”

Leigh McCulloch

Why TLC LIVE private tutoring works

We believe we can cater for every student and parent because:

  • We can save you money: we’re more cost effective than face to face tutoring.
  • We provide detailed feedback reports which are useful for the student and parent to use to gauge progress.
  • We can provide flexible tutoring timetable options to suit every student’s lifestyle.
A student writing for the private tuition page.

Tailored content for students – our courses

Targeted learning content

At TLC LIVE we have a unique approach to online private tutoring, with our own targeted content developed and tested by schools and students over ten years and a state-of-the-art learning platform.

Convenient for parents – our pricing

Lessons from just £25 per hour

Get the help you need from the comfort of your own home. TLC LIVE online private tutoring is convenient and allows families with busy schedules to provide the tuition support their children need.

An image of a student with pink hair studying for the online private tutoring page.

Book a free assessment

Register now for a free private tutoring assessment for your child.

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