Online tutoring for schools

We believe all school students can benefit from online tutoring

Online tutoring for schools

TLC LIVE Online Tutoring is currently working with over half of England’s local authorities. Schools are partnering up with us for intervention and transition strategies, for gifted and talented support, and to help meet Pupil Premium and NTP commitments (we are a quality assured tuition partner). We are going from strength to strength within local authorities due to our efficient and effective service.

In 2022/23, on average, each of our pupils made seven months of attainment progress during the academic year, taking an average of 30 lessons.

We offer

Key benefits


Teachers and students can access feedback reports which are filled out after every lesson, helping both groups understand strengths and weaknesses.


Lessons are planned in advance based on assessment results, information from the referrer and the tutor’s own observations. However, our tutors are happy to adapt their plans if the student asks to work on something else, perhaps because they struggled with something they learnt in school and they want to go over it again.


Targets can be set by you for the student which the tutors will use as the focus for lessons. We have content for every area of the national curriculum at every level so we are in a perfect position to help, whatever the goals may be.

Lesson plans

Our tutors are all fully qualified, experienced UK teachers. Because our lessons are online, we are not restricted by location and we can recruit the best tutors from across the country. Lessons are observed for quality control to ensure students receive the best education possible.

Cost effective

Schools are saving money with TLC LIVE.  We are more cost effective than face-to-face tutoring, enabling more students to benefit from tuition.

Summary reports

Summary reports available for Ofsted inspectors to support the school’s productive use of Pupil Premium. Schools may also use our reports to show parents and guardians their children’s progress.

Why TLC LIVE online school tutoring works

The key areas that schools are currently using TLC LIVE sessions for are: Pupil Premium intervention; subject focus support; EAL; GCSE and SAT prep; gifted and talented support; looked after children; exam resit prep; students not attending school (due to exclusion, home schooling, or long term illness).

Contact us

We’ve worked with over half of England’s local education authorities including…

Tailored content for students

Targeted learning content

TLC LIVE tutors can help with whatever a student’s needs are, whether that’s filling in learning gaps, supporting with topics being studied, or building a student’s confidence in the build up to exams. Our tutoring for schools combines the benefits of fully qualified UK teachers, best-in-class pupil assessment and a targeted curriculum for each student.

A KS3/KS4 maths student working at their laptop.

Cost effective for schools

Lessons from £13 per hour*

Our qualified, UK based teachers help inspire and motivate students to learn. They also help to boost confidence and self-esteem, improve grades at school and improve exam results (including GCSEs, SATs and 11+).

*plus VAT

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01279 657 193

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